July 20, 2009

One Word Only..

Y O U ... C A N ... O N L Y ... T Y P E ... O N E ... W O R D !N O ... E X P L A N A T I O N S !

1. Your name: jenny

2. Your boyfriend/girlfriend : single

3. Your hair: wavycurl

4. Your Pet: bubu

5. Your Sister: two

6. Your Favorite Item: handphones

7. Your dream last night: forgot!

8. Your Dream Home: beach

9. The Room You Are In: silent

10. Favorite colour: white

11. Your music: pop

12. Where do you want to be in ten years? :hometown

13. Who you hung out with last night: friends

14. What city you lived:Kuching

15. Your Best Friend: Ritah

16. One of Your Wish List Items: BMW

17. Your Addiction: Perfumes

18. The Last Thing You Did: thinking

19. Your Favorite Weather: Spring

20. The Last Thing You Ate: mee

i tagged:
7.whoever read this

p/s:boredom really does kill. Do anwer this tag.=)

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